Public Cloud

In the case of a public cloud service, the servers are owned by an external service provider.

They have their own data centers, extensive server infrastructure and network connections.

The equipment servicing, maintenance, updates are carried out by the cloud service provider.

The resources are made available via the Internet, via a Public Cloud platform.

The Public Cloud is a continuously scalable solution.

Scaling can be done automatically (after prior configuration) or manually, by changing machine parameters or by purchasing additional ‘virtual machines’.

Public cloud providers ensure high availability of services, data security and stability.

They have extensive infrastructure and can handle network failures more efficiently than on-premise solutions (or private clouds).

Advantages of Public Cloud

• scalability – the user can use the resources of the public cloud almost without limit; scaling takes place automatically or manually

• flexible costs – costs are charged on a per-minute or per-second basis

• high degree of reliability – thanks to the complex infrastructure and the permanent connection between the data centers, the service provider can prevent emergency situations or minimize their effects if they do occur

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